Maybe a few of you braver than the brave, loud-mouthed, armchair lawyers should just STFU and give the board a break.

When some of you have had as much abuse and hassle in an unpaid job they volunteered for, in their spare time, maybe then you would understand how hard it is to please all of the people all of the time. Impossible is the answer.

*IF* mistakes have been made, then they are honest mistakes made by volunteers who stepped up to the mark to try to make OSM better.

*IF* mistakes have been made, AFAIK no real harm has been done. The worst damage so far is to the pompous, over-sensitive "We Must Know Everything" brigade who feel offended because they have not been informed of every breath drawn. To them I say: Grow Up. An Open community doesn't mean getting an email, text, tweet and personal letter every time something happens. That's why we have a board - to deal with stuff.

To the board I say, do your best guys and thank you very much for what you do and how you do it. Don't be tempted to pick up the toys thrown out of prams by a small group of people. That mistake was made during licence-change and it just caused more upset. You were elected for a term (at least) to do your best, so do it and good luck.

Threats to leave the project remind me of the bullshit thrown around during licence-change when hardly anyone actually had the balls to follow through. If people are so unhappy then go, but do so quickly and quietly and leave the people really interested in OSM to continue making the very best map database we can.

Cheers, Chris
user: chillly

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