Am 15.02.2013 09:28, schrieb Janko Mihelić:
What about when a junction is a roundabout? Should that be rendered the Japanese way (a box with letters in the middle of the roundabout) or the European way (words going along the street)? Or are we going to have different rendering in different parts of world?

Well, first the question is if there are any roundabouts in Japan (I’ve never seen any, but that doesn’t mean that there are none). Second, for some other problems it would also be nice to go with a rendering according to region, meaning that the crossroads maybe are only displayed in Japan. If we had something like that (Country specific rendering), we could tackle some other problems (the ugly fonts in Japan, for example).
Well, but this is now just something which came to my mind right now.

@Topic: I would also vote for junction=yes and name=* This seems to be the easiest. Basically, what we need is that the renderer understands that the name should be displayed in the box, right? So why not just go with junction=yes? This basically just does the job, right?

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