> Other kind of "vandalism" are mappers who want to "correct" perceived
> errors (they prefer different tags, or they have read in the wiki that
> a certain tag is "deprecated" and so they delete these tags or change
> them to other tags (that are maybe not in broader use)). This is
> partly also happening where it wouldn't be necessary from a technical
> point of view (different keys), but some mappers think that there
> should be _one_ main key describing an object so they remove
> "deprecated" tags as duplicates (an example would be highway=bus_stop
> vs. public_transport tags).

Ouch, you hit a sore spot there. I'm in the process of adding 35000 stops
for the northern part of Belgium. If I simply add the tags approved over a
year ago, they won't be rendered.
So I'll keep with the highway=bus_stop tag for the time being. Adding both
ways of doing things seems like a waste of space and tagging for the
renderer. Having to retag them in bulk sometime in the far away future,
seems like pollution of the history, though.

So the big question is: when will bus stops tagged with only the newly
accepted system be rendered (preferably on all relevant renderings), so I
can do this operation 'right' all in one go?

I shudder at the tought that removing highway=bus_stop from them would be
considered an act of vandalism. Maybe I should not care about rendering and
simply not add that tag in the first place...

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