There are different approaches to surveys and loosely-worded questions or
open ended questions are one legitimate approach.

OSM suffers from a huge turnover or drop out rate of active mappers perhaps
the survey may help identify ways to help retention.  We've already
identified that what is in the wiki is not necessarily what is in the map
and their are some conflicts within the wiki, which some people may find

Cheerio John

On 25 June 2013 12:22, Jonathan Bennett <> wrote:

> On 25/06/2013 16:48, Mulone Moligiangi wrote:
> > (Apologies for cross-posting)
> Since you don't appear to have cross-posted, I wonder why you're
> apologising for it. However, there are plenty of other things that
> perhaps you should explain:
> * Are you "Mulone Moligiangi" or "Andrea Ballatore"?
> * Which institution do you work for? You say you're doing academic
> research, but don't say who for.
> * What are you hoping to show with this survey? What use do you see this
> information being to the OSM community, and will they see the results?
> * Your questions are quite vague, loosely-worded and open-ended. How
> will this help your research?
> * Are you aware of the difference between "what gets written in the
> wiki" versus "what tags actually get used"?
> Sorry to be so harsh, but if you expect the OSM community to help you,
> you need to explain better why it's in their interests to do so.
> J.
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