On 2013-08-23 15:22, Darren Biggs wrote:
I have been trying to have dirt roads show up in the render for about
a year now.  I see that that the Map legend has "unsurfaced" road.  I
have looked around but can not find any roads that have the Map
Legends use of unsurfaced road(Road, but with dashes).   I have looked
in Europe and these roads, are listed as tracks, in America, this are
roads, they just happen to be dirt.  I am a cyclist so sometimes I am
trying to find dirt roads, and while other times I am trying to avoid
dirt roads.

I think the general idea is that track is a dirt roads fit for two-tracked vehicles (cars, agricultural) and path is a dirt road fit for one-tracked vehicles (because too narrow for two-tracked).

I would use these two for your purpose. That is as you rightly say how they are used in Europe.
A track with tracktype=grade1 is could even be a proper road.

Maybe you have some streetview examples of what you want to map? I could offer you this one [1] which I would map as a grade 3, although it recently had a load of gravel deposited on it, making it more a grade 2.

[1] <https://maps.google.nl/?ll=51.399194,6.029728&spn=0.027631,0.067377&t=m&z=14&layer=c&cbll=51.399194,6.029728&panoid=0Ua6ivYxS87FCOpXn_dtCw&cbp=12,321.13,,0,18>


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