Greg Troxel wrote:

Lester Caine <> writes:

Lester Caine wrote:
Basically - does anybody have a smartphone option that correctly and safely
handles UK motorways and trunk roads?

Well I'm seeing some feedback off-list, and there have been a few
steps forward, but The one thing I have finally established is that
off the 5 routing engines so far tested, none can handle the roads in
the Cotswolds. I have yet to get some confirmation, but Yours, OSRM,
OSMAnd, MapQuest and CloudMade all fail to pick up tertiary routes
unless one is actually ON the road in question? As a result they make
detours via other roads to get around those sections and add ten's of
minutes to a journey. The biggest so far is a 10 mile diversion north,
but a couple of miles are added to journey south, via four more

I find this all surprising, and wonder what's wrong.   I have OSM data
in my garmin 50 (with mkgmap) and (in the US, which is a different place
with different data, etc.) it works fine.

When I get some spare time I'll get back into the OSRM code to see what is happening. Interestingly Bing makes the same mistake but Google is finally picking up the correct route!,+Gloucestershire+GL20,+UK&hl=en&geocode=%3BCc8Qtwf2VNEBFU9sGQMdYeLf_yktTuFVeB1xSDECJZbUk_aHhA&aq=0&oq=wr12+7ep&sll=51.997775,-2.104735&sspn=0.010741,0.026672&vpsrc=0&mra=ls&ie=UTF8&t=m&z=12

Everything else goes via Wickhamford. From the M40 north of here we get taken over to Alcester then down the A46 to Evesham before coming back over. Rather than down the B4632 ... As long as I move off the 'A' roads it then picks up the B4632 ( the original A46 ;) )

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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