On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> wrote:

> - I do not see how filters in editors do anything more to this issue
> than make it worse, particularly in the case when the border has been
> merged with an other object. Do you make the object immutable? Or do you
> simply hide the fact that you are now potentially breaking something (as
> JOSM does)?

Using filters in editors might solve the problem described in Richard's
original post. Simply creating a filter is helpful, but ungluing the ways
before full implementation of editor filters might be required.

If we agree that borders are a problem, then what is the best solution? I'd
argue that the GIS community has already decided that layers are the
solution. QGIS, open source gis software, already handles layers much like
ESRI. JOSM even handles layers. Modifying the editors to handle the
complexity of deciding which nodes can be glued to others might be
problematic. I'd like to hear from the dev community on which approach
makes more sense.

Martin - We in the US do need to expand our contributors. But we also have
a wealth of data that could be imported. I'm of the camp that says imports
can be a good thing. (I said can not are.) But as we clean up the TIGER
import, it is clean that even now, much of the data in rural areas is poor.
We need to grow our contributor base in those areas.

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