That does come across as a little arrogant, Jochen. The mappers and the
data consumers need each other; neither can flourish without the other.
A symbiotic model would be more accurate. As you say, we shouldn't
change things willy-nilly, but to say bluntly "it's your problem" to all
data consumers and to express such a dismissive attitude towards their
feedback is misrepresenting the relationship somewhat. 


On 2013-11-09 18:25, Jochen Topf wrote: 

> On Sat, Nov 09, 2013 at 03:25:35PM +0000, Rob Nickerson wrote:
>> A few days ago there was a thread about the pros/cons of moving admin 
>> boundaries to a new database. I'm not going to give my opinion on this as 
>> the thread has now fizzled out, but I will suggest that decisions like this 
>> should involve as many of our end data users as possible (we have moved 
>> beyond a small isolated project). One such user is mySoicety. Check out the 
>> video of their MapIt Global talk at [1] 
>> to see how they use boundaries from OSM. Perhaps some way of tracking our 
>> data consumers would be useful. Or maybe we need a way for them to say which 
>> tags they are interested in so that they can receive mail just about these.
> That's the wrong way around. If you are using OSM data it is your job to keep
> abreast of developments in OSM. A volunteer project like OSM can't keep track
> of all their "customers" the way a commercial company might. That's not to
> say that we should change things willy-nilly, we should announce changes
> beforehand etc. But we do that on our mailing lists etc. And yes, that puts
> a lot of burden on the users of OSM data, but they get it for free, so there.
> (Of course there are companies who will do this job for you, ie follow OSM
> development while maintaining stable data formats etc. to their customers.)
> Jochen

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