Jochen Topf said:
>I am sorry if I came across as arrogant or dismissive. This is absolutely
>my intention.

No offence taken. As you say, we are in agreement here, mappers and data
consumers must talk and help each other.

>What I was arguing against is somehow feeling
>responsible for data users who take our data, never talk to us and then
>it is our job to tell them when something changes. That is how I understood
>Rob's argument

Perhaps I misled you as I agree 100% that the relationship has to be two
way. I'm just wondering aloud how we can improve out side of that
conversation / relationship. As we all know the mailing lists can be quite
unfriendly to external parties. It's an interesting question as we need to
balance providing data consumers with advanced notice of big changes and
still be able to act quickly. My experience with developing tagging schemas
is that it helps to slow the process down, giving everyone time to consider
the tag and provide comments. I would have liked more involvement from
someone who actually uses the data (in this case a Routing service
provider) but as you say they have to be willing to join the conversation
too. We cannot slow things down too much :-)

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