On Sat, Nov 09, 2013 at 05:59:19PM +0000, Craig Wallace wrote:
> Note MySociety do not use boundaries from OSM for the UK for their
> projects. Instead they just use boundaries from OS OpenData.
> I think this is an example of where a separate database makes sense.
> ie with the complete, up to date OS OpenData boundaries, in a format
> compatible with OSM.
> Yes, some of the OS OpenData boundaries have been added to OSM. But
> they are very incomplete/inconsistent, and often accidentally edited
> or broken etc. And probably out of date if the official boundaries
> have changed anywhere. So generally not as useful or reliable as
> just using the OS OpenData.

This will not be fixed by seperating out the boundarys.

If MySociety is interested in up to date, complete and non broken 
boundarys it could sponsor a simple monitoring tool for boundaries.
As soon as there is a hint something is broken there are hundrets
of mappers interested in fixing.

Florian Lohoff                                                 f...@zz.de

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