Lester wrote:

> The other area though is the fact that for many years we have been

(aside: we who?)


> using the

> embedded map as a replacement for Google and I HOPE we still

> want to encourage

> that use? But the shift to being 'mapping' orientated as it odds

> that

> usage? Now that I've found the 'HTML' share function ... and

> out the

> options ... it's not providing a tidy solution for the 'location'
map. Yes

> this

> is subjective, but the 'View larger map' used to provide a single

> 'advert'

> for OSM along with the map and it's that which has been lost?


I must be missing something. I've just tried an HTML share and the
view larger map link for my test links to

80498/1.15644> &mlon=1.15644#map=17/51.80498/1.15644


That still makes it clear in the very top left that this is
OpenStreetMap, (and if I'm not logged in and haven't visited before
AND clicked 'x' I believe I'll see a welcome box making it even


Checking the old layout that didn't have the Welcome box, but had
the bar down the left with lots of links. Hardly an 'advert'. What
is it that I'm missing? The brief description text?




So: Welcome box: obvious, clear: "OpenStreetMap is a map of the
world, created by people like you and free to use under an open
license." With Learn More button

Old layout: "OpenStreetMap is a free worldwide map, created by
people like you. The data is free to download and use under its open
license. Create a user account to improve the map." Hidden away in
small print between various links that you'll probably ignore if you
just wanted to look at the map.


If I'm missing something else, try and describe the problem in a bit
more detail, please?





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