Ed Loach wrote:
I've just been working through all the combinations again to
>document things
>myself. Yesterday when I grabbed an iframe, the large map link
>included a way
>reference! I edited it out. Not sure how I managed to get that as
>would not
>have know the id number without it being supplied but it's not
>present today.
I have just reproduced this. If you use the "Share link" when you
are on a /way/id page then the "View Larger Map" link links back to
the /way/id page. Whether this is by design (so it links back to
where you shared) or something that needs opening as an issue is
perhaps up for debate. As the way isn't highlighted in the embedded
map I tend towards it needing opening as an issue.

Not sure now where I was, but I suspect 'search' ... AH ... Having searched of cause it opened the info panel and then the link has the way tag. My original thought here was 'nice', but it would be nicer to have a 'user' view rather than the mapping detail one. Which is the view I've been TRYING to create for myself these last 5 years :(

>I'm still having to add the marker to the larger map link.
I always get the mlat and mlon parameters in the larger map link
tests I have done so far so can't reproduce the problem.

I'm suspecting now 'conversion problems' with the ' & amp ; ' ... I think that the ckeditor cleanup changed it. Having found the result was wrong I've had to spend time working back up the chain to see why, so your pick up on the info page was very helpful - TA.

>( how long will the short link references be maintained? I prefer
>version, but editing the redirect for short links could be a
>feature if
>they are intended to be permanent. Some site wipe them after 30
>days? )
Shortlinks are an encoding based on the location being shared. See:
As such they won't expire.

OK that all makes sense ... and explains why the marker now has to be the centre of the map. I've been tweaking that for a better display so the separate entries is useful at time. Needs documenting on my crib sheet.

>The embedded map does need finishing off with the same style
>navigation as the
>newer map, but as others have said, the old slider was a lot more
>mobile friendly!
Mobile sites (at least Leaflet based - not sure about OpenLayers)
tend to be easier to use pinch zooming rather than using the ±
controls (at least on my phone). However, it might be an enhancement
to be consistent in the zoom controls (if shown) being in the top
right, rather than top left when embedded and top right in the main

Pinch only works if the device is not fighting against you! If pinch is being used to enlarge the browser window then it can't also be zooming the map within it. So the APPLICATIONS have to be well constructed to use pinch, simply thinking you can use it on a web page is not so practical? Which is where designing to support mobile devices needs a lot more care.

I've opened the embed including way/id as issue 616
and the enhancement suggestion as issue 617

Thanks for that ... I would have got around to it, but I'm away now for 24 hours ... hopefully working off my phone and tablet :)

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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