On 03/03/2014, Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2014-03-03 13:19 GMT+01:00 moltonel 3x Combo <molto...@gmail.com>:
>> The disambiguating word is "initially". I explicitly say that
>> separating nodes is an improvement. I'm trying to make it clear that
>> "glued vs separate" is a "good vs better" issue, not a "wrong vs
>> right" one.
> So if someone starts gluing separated nodes, she is making the data worse,

Yes, that's my thoroughly-convinced POV. For the reccord, we're only
talking about a specific kind of node-sharing here, not node-sharing
in general (read the archives if in doubt).

> and we can be mad?

As always in any community, discuss the issue before you get "mad". I
do get annoyed at other contributors sometimes, but only after 1)
repeated "offense" after the initial contact and 2) lack of dialog
despite my best efforts (which sadly is more frequent than I'd have

Speaking of discussion and getting mad, are we done with this thread
yet ? Seems like everything has been said...

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