Am 14.03.2014 15:45, schrieb Florian Lohoff:
> I can tell on my own base. I work for a company which does FTTH/VDSL2
> infrastructure operation and planning. Internally i am playing with
> OSM Data mixed with other Telecoms infrastructure data - Using OSRM
> to calculate infrastructure distances e.g. DSL Speeds etc., construction
> costs of FTTC, FTTH projects.
> Never ever that mixed infrastructure data will be available under ODbL.
> Although the produced work might be interesting to detect internet white
> spots i cant give it out of my Hands. So it'll stay as little toy project
> of mine.

As you surely know you are completly free to use whatever you are
creating inside of the company regardless if it is a produced work or
not without invoking share alike.

As to using the resulting database or a produced work publicly, without
knowing exactly how you are working with the data, it is naturally not
possible to know if you are modifying your proprietary data with OSM in
a way that would invoke share alike on it if used publicy or not.


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