
On 07/24/2014 11:05 PM, François Lacombe wrote:
> According to you, we'd better split OSM in several projects, one for
> each country and data consumers will do the rest.

This would be interesting but it is not what I said. I said, let's have
different Wikis for different languages.

It is simply a more holistic approach to the concept of "translation". I
don't believe in the kind of page-by-page, sentence-by-sentence, even
word-by-word translation that some people seem to advocate. If we're
after that, just dump all non-English content and use Google translate.

If we want high-quality documentation for users of different languages,
which will also often be people with wildly different cultural
backgrounds, then that has to be written from scratch - perhaps
"informed" by material in other languages but likely not "translated".

Using the same Wiki with language namespacing implements the concept of
very close translations - the structure is the same for everyone, and
the translator is just expected to fill in the blanks. I don't believe
that this will lead to high-quality documentation; I believe this will
be at best a little better than automatic translation.

I think that the evolution of the project is replayed in different
countries at different times. Speaking simplistically, the community in
a country where OSM is just taking off might be better off with the kind
of documentation available to OSM in France when the project was at the
same state, rather than the sophisticated detail that is available today.

If I am in a country where we have barely mapped the major road network,
am I really interested in translations of turn lane relations and TMC
information, or will such detail perhaps discourage me?

You seem to be mainly equating the Wiki with a catalogue of tags but I
think it is much more, and its relevance as a tag catalogue is shrinking
with editor presets becoming ever more complex.

Of course editor presets would also have to be localised (and not only
translated)... ;)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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