
Nobody is disputing in the slightest that OSM users should have easy
access to related data, in this case an easy way to access wikidata.

It is all about the how.

In particular it is not about the multitude of other wikidata tags which
may or may not survive the test of time, it is just about the wikidata
tag which is supposed to provide a one to one mapping between OSM
representation of a real world object (which might be multiple
individual OSM elements) and the wikidata entry for the same.

On first principles such matches should not be all to difficult to start
with (given that there should be a common name and location both
potentially with some fuzziness). Regardless of if the data is imported
in to OSM or not there should be no larger issues mechanically matching
the data outside of

- data missing in one of the two sources
- errors

To use one of your examples were you claim that manual intervention is
required: a name that has a so common spelling that it is used in that
form in wikidata, clearly should have that spelling in OSM proper too
(and we have more than enough name tag variants to cater for that).

As has already been pointed out: the whole effort cannot be about moving
information that belongs in OSM to the database of a completely separate
project with different goals and structures.


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