
I think the point about statistics is like your point about alcohol
free beer- it misses the point. The question before OSM isn't "Do OSM
events model the alcoholic consumption trends of the country they're
in?" nor is the question "Are there beverages which taste similar to
alchol free beer?", the question from Richard Weait was "Do the
alcohol events turn anyone off?" and the answer for several of us is

What's a more useful question is then "Why?" And I can tell you that
for me, it's not the alcohol per se, but the whole bar/beer culture.
It's not that if you provide some beverages, I'm more willing to go,
it's that being in a loud, crowded place is quite literally painful,
and so while I will tolerate accepting some level of pain for some
period of time, when given the choice between doing that and not doing
it, I will generally choose not to.

As for beer and its role- I have some gastrointestinal issues which
prevent me from having beer. I'm gluten intolerant and alcohol itself
is not kind on my system. That's why I don't generally drink, because
the alcoholic drinks which don't give me trouble me are few and far
between. When I used to be able to drink beer, I think that my
tolerance for the above noise/etc was dulled by the inebriation.

But there are lots of reasons why people may not choose to go to an
event that's beer centric. Maybe they're gluten intolerant, or alcohol
intolerant, or alcoholic (and abstaining), maybe they don't drink for
religious reasons, or maybe they just make a choice not to, or they
have sensory issues,  or maybe if an event is held in a bar, it keeps
people who are under 21 away, or I know some women don't like to go to
bar/drinking events because of past bad experiences. The causes are
different but the result is the same.

I don't think Richard was asking "How can I find an alcohol free
beer?", he was asking about "Are there people who find themselves
unable to attend OSM events which are based around alcohol?" and for
me the answer is yes, and as an example I offered, the SOTM US social
events have either taken place at a bar (starting from the very first
one in Atlanta), or were essentially just taking an office and putting
alcohol in it. The result is either I tried attesting and found myself
extremely uncomfortable and left after a very short time (10-15
minutes) or more recently, I've just stopped trying to attend these
"social events" and just go to the conference itself.

Contrasting this, by the way, is SOTM in Birmingham, the last day,
food was served, and alcohol was offered as well. We had tables, and
so things didn't seem quite as alcohol centric, even though Brits tend
to have more of a beer culture than even Americans.

It's never possible to make things perfect for every person, but
offering smaller rooms, or more quiet, low key places/events as part
of a larger event can make a big difference to me. I don't expect
people to accommodate, though, I just choose not to put myself in a
situation where I feel either socially or physically uncomfortable.
What event organizers choose to do with this information is entirely
up to them.

- Serge

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