I am a little concerned that the (already overwhelming) task of fixing OSMF, which has been entrusted to a board of seven good people, is being made still harder by people in mysterious unelected roles offering their advice.

I know of at least two: Mike Collinson is chair of the (AIUI moribund) 'Management Team'. Steve Coast is 'chairman emeritus' - I'm not sure whether Simon Poole has also been offered this title. I believe (but don't know) there may be others who receive copies of, and can send, management emails but aren't elected in any way.

Two requests:

First, for the sake of openness, it would be good to see these relationships documented on the OSMF website.

Second, while the new board decides on its direction, a period of self-imposed silence by these people would be considerate. Frederik, Kathleen and Paul have been newly elected to do a difficult job. Their work will be made all the more difficult by a cacophony of advice from those without a mandate.

This isn't personal - I like Mike very much, while I think it's fairly comprehensively documented that Steve and I don't get on - but it seems, to me, common decency that if you ask someone to do a job, you give them the time and space to do it.


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