Michael Collinson wrote:
For transparency, I have attended about one year of board meetings now I
think (it is minuted). I took the approach that I should simply listen
and pick up items that the MT could handle. I was however encouraged to
take a more participatory role provided that I do not take part in
voting. On board email, I answer questions that are asked and
occassionally make reports or specific requests from the Management Team
or License Working Group.  Else, the value is that I am generally aware
of issues and do not need to be briefed. I cannot make comment on board
meeting or email detail, but I do not think it breaching confidentiality
to say that Steve's participation is overwhelming passive ... he makes
his engagement through public, open channels to my knowledge.

During the approximately the past three weeks, and only then, I have
certainly been aggressive in giving advice ... and asking it.  Yes, it
is possible that I have over-stepped bounds.

I find it difficult to imagine our mild-mannered Mike Collinson being aggressive!

The new board members have been elected because the electorate believe they are the people best placed to make OSMF better; because the electorate likes their vision for change.

When a benevolent long-timer offers advice and briefings, there is an implicit invitation to the newcomers to go native - for future activities to tend towards "business as usual". No document is neutral, no matter how well-intentioned; it is written within a particular worldview, with its own assumptions and backdrop.

But sometimes a fresh pair of eyes is exactly what's needed, without preconceptions about "we tried that once and it didn't work", without "we always have to think about this important matter". If the more long-standing board members choose to resist change, they do at least have a mandate. Advisers don't, and should bear their privileged position responsibly.

By all means you, and Steve, and others can be on hand to offer advice if asked. Your newly published document is interesting - very much so - but it's written with the experience and from the perspective of us old farts. Newcomers to the board should have fresh perspectives, fresh ideas. Let the new board form their first thoughts free of external pressure.


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