On 27 Nov 2014 09:18, "Lester Caine" <les...@lsces.co.uk> wrote:
> Not sure your demo is proving anything. Zooming in on the area covered
> by the demo on the live map I'm not seeing very much of the corruptions

Have their been corruptions? I sm not sure what you are referring to.

> introduced by switching building names from brown to purple

We have neither brown nor purple building names, nor have we ever had them.
Brown is used for some amenities, and pink is used for shops. This hasn't
changed lately.

> and adding
> the 'centroid' dt which then pushes everything off to one side :(

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean.

> I don't
> unfortunately have an example of the section which had much tidier brown
> text on all the buildings, but I think I HAVE established that a zoom
> level should use the icon OMLY when the name is not displayed, and if
> there is no icon don't just display a dot :(

The purple dots are used for shop types for which we don't have a specific
icon. We haven't received other complaints about this. This dhould not have
replaced any brown.

-- Matthijs
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