On 04/01/2015 13:01, Lester Caine wrote:
Perhaps now is the time to be looking again at real time rendering with a selectable style sheet, or perhaps simply a base layer on top of which different languages and styles can be selected.

That sort of thing has been suggested before(1) but having configurable tile layers on osm.org needs someone to actually write the code to support that. If you just want to create a map style for your customers, then of course that isn't a requirement - the tools to do it are available and the process to set up an OSM-a-like tile server is well documented(2). There are maintenance aspects that are less well documented, but even most of that info's around somewhere. I switched from mostly using the osm.org "standard" style back in the summer when it became clear that its priorities weren't mine.


1) https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/dev/2014-December/028206.html - and probably many times previously too.

2) See summary of links at the end of https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/dev/2014-December/028205.html

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