On 25/02/2015, SomeoneElse <li...@atownsend.org.uk> wrote:
> On 25/02/2015 05:00, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
>> Get rid:
>> fixme=check/adjust␣position␣and/or␣merge␣with␣existing␣stop␣if␣exists
>> fixme=type_of_palm
>> fixme=imported_to_be_checked
>> FIXME=stream␣attribute␣data␣missing
>> Keep:
>> fixme=continue
>> fixme=position
>> fixme=resurvey
>> fixme=dual_carriageway
> I may be missing something here, but what actually is the benefit of
> this?  Even in the situation where a problematical import brought in
> lots of Palm Trees but not their species (or whatever) the "fixme" tag
> is still serving a useful purpose - in this case "this data was imported
> by a problematical import".
> How will removing any "fixme" tag make the actual _data_ in OSM better?
> It'll just make it harder for people editing it to determine what is
> good data and what isn't.


I'm willing to believe that a particular fixme value is useless
(either because it was fixed without removing the tag or because it is
now deemed not a problem or because QA tools do a better job of
pointing out the error), but you'll have to make the case for each
individual value. None of the values in your "get rid" list are
obviously useless to me, please explain.

The fact that something has a "low chance to get fixed" is irrelevant.
There's an infinite amount of OSM data that needs fixing but have a
low chance to be. Somebody made the effort to point out particular
things with fixme tags, please respect that. The problem is more
likely to get fixed with the tag than without.

I'm also not a fan of converting fixmes to notes. I use both fixmes
and notes, to me they fit different workflows and audiences. And
unleashing 0.5M notes will make browsers unhappy. Again, if you think
that a particular fixme value needs to be mass-converted to a note,
please explain individual cases.

Now here's my shortlist of fixme tags that can be simply deleted, with
explanation :
* fixme=yes
  Provides no information
* fixme=name and variants of add_full_address when QA tools agree that
a name or address is missing
  The QA tools do a better job of pointing those out. But watch out
for "fixme=name" that
  really mean "the tagged name is wrong" for example.
* Is there a QA tool pointing out the equivalent of stream_attribute_missing ?

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