On Friday 27 February 2015, moltonel 3x Combo wrote:
> >
> > (1) on the ground survey/check via aerial images (obviously)
> Aerial images won't let you decide between stream=intermitent and
> stream=ephemeral. At best you can rule out stream=permanent. So on
> the ground survey it is.

I don't think the distinction between ephemeral and seasonal is any 
easier to make on the ground than via aerial images.  But this isn't 
the point here of course.

stream=* is exclusively used by NHD imports by the way.

> Note that in this context, having the objects tagged with fixmes is
> useless : * the list of stream ways with no stream type can be easily
> obtained using an overpass query

No, waterway=* defaults to intermittent=no so if you have a 
waterway=stream from an NHD import with no other tags you don't know if 
this is permanent based on NHD attributes or just a lousy import.

> > Given the  generally sorry state of the NHD/Canvec waterway data in
> > America option (4) might be the better thing to do (we are talking
> > about stuff here that has not been touched for five years).
> Is the data so bad that you would consider removing it regardless of
> its fixme tags ? That seems a bit strange to me, but I admit not
> having looked at the data much. I've said it before, but the presence
> of bad fixme tags *should not influence* the decision to delete the
> object or not.

The data is not bad at all, it is just badly imported.  You simply 
cannot expect to get out anything meaningful by dumping the geometries 
as they are and doing a 1:1 translation of some of the NHD attributes 
into an arbitrary selection of OSM tags.

Christoph Hormann

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