On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 8:30 AM, JB <jb...@mailoo.org> wrote:

> Le 26.02.2015 19:25, Paul Johnson a écrit :
> Now that we have an "anointed" notes system, how about an automated move
> to notes, with the owner of the note being the person who originated the
> Please, no.
> On http://resultmaps.neis-one.org/osm-notes-overview, I prefer the first
> graph, showing how the notes db is already getting clustered — too many
> openers, not enough closers. It seems that the OpenStreetBug experience is
> already getting reproduced (the negative part, not the beginning of it).
So let's explore why people aren't working notes rather than complain about
moving some objects that are essentially obsolete now that notes Is A
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