Am 01.05.2015 um 08:56 schrieb Colin Smale:
> I wonder how a marketing department would react if their (potential)
> customers complained they couldn't find the store.

Gary knows very very very well who and how to contact if he actually had
a question. Just as the handful of others in the geo-industry moaning,
it is simply a meme for "you don't conform to our industry norm for a
number of things and we think you should".

It is a very particularly silly meme, because as pointed out, at least
in modern times, I have yet to find anybody having issues or questions
THAT REALLY WANTED AN ANSWER and was not purposely fumbling to make a
statement, not finding out about the OSMF (or for local stuff one of the
local organisations) and getting a response.

Could it be easier? Sure, but google doesn't really care about our
tendency to hide information behind multiple links (for example it takes
two clicks from the main map page to find that the OSMF is the licensor
of the data instead of one) so while not super convenient it is not HARD
to find out.


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