I was actually going to suggest something along such lines given that
both the Help and About pages are not particularly well used. But didn't
want to get in to the bike shedding trap, so if I get around to it I'll
submit a couple of PRs.


Am 01.05.2015 um 10:52 schrieb Tom Hughes:
> On 01/05/15 09:25, Simon Poole wrote:
>> I'm fairly sure that it has been discussed before (for a while
>> pre-redesign we had such a link at least on the German version which we
>> really should still have for legal reasons). I suspects the designers
>> issue is using screen real estate for stuff that is not that often used.
>> It is simply the small matter of producing the code and a test instance
>> of the rails port with the corresponding changes.
> I don't think a new link is necessary - how about just beefing up the
> current extremely minimal "Help" page with some nice text and including
> a section with contact details for various use cases?
> Tom

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