On 27/05/2015 22:56, Andy Mabbett wrote:
A demonstrator, using Wikidata labels, is: http://googleknowledge.github.io/qlabel/demo/map/ (choose "select language"). Coders might enjoy viewing the source code.

That's interesting, but seems just to do multiple http transactions to get the names it needs (something that's not really scalable). What I'd typically want to do with wikidata would be something like:

1) define a series of properties that I'm interested in.

2) extract that information from wikidata (either a structured download or from some sort of dump) in one go, not as a series of http transactions.

3) load that into local database tables where it can be easily accessed.

(1) might be something like "villages in Derbyshire" or "mills in the Derwent valley" or something broader (suppose I wanted to include "who owns what building" in a database containing OSM data). Unfortunately I don't see this in any sort of sensible format - I just see a bunch of web pages like http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:List_of_properties which isn't really helpful.

2) must be a problem that people have solved already

As ever, stackoverflow has some of the answers but some of the questions such as http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28391434/how-to-parse-bigdata-json-file-wikidata-in-c-efficiently suggest to me "I really wouldn't start from there if I were you" (though http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29886388/get-all-wikidata-items-that-are-an-instance-of-a-given-item is closer).

I suspect that these are problems that someone, somewhere has already solved, but I'm not seeing obvious answers that aren't a bit of a cludgy hack, or requires something from Google that's going away in 32 days, or whatever.



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