iD shows oneway=unknown if it's not set. If it's unknown, iD should not
show oneway at all.

In OSM if oneway=no then it's not oneway and the oneway tag should not
appear at all.

The only time oneway should appear is in the case of oneway=yes - and the
'=yes' is superfluous.

OSM's k=v design is completely a serious and unnecessary flaw. Similarly
are 'categories' like man_made', and 'amenity'.

Why can we not simply stick to hard facts rather guessing what categor(ies)
an object fits in

A fountain is a fountain. It does not matter if it is

   - an amenity
   - man made
   - natural water (???!!)

etc. Such categorization is semi-ambiguous; people think differently and
are happy to categorize differently - and more - argue over categories.

OSM is 90% argument, 5% dead-end discussions and 5% progress. The whole is
not a marketable product; it's not fit to be rated as 'beta'. Is this a
significant cause of ex-mappers ? It's a flipping brilliant project but
sadly lacking a great leader.

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& pets*

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