On 17/06/2015 05:33, Hans De Kryger wrote:
Why do OSRM & OpenRoutingService compete against each other instead of joining resources and combining efforts to make the best routing service out there? Am i missing something ? I know it's nice to have different services for different uses but this doesn't seem like a good use of resources at all.

This is a recurring question in all free software. Whereas, in a market segment's maturity, network effects come to overwhelm centrifugal forces, in earlier phases there are distinct advantages to diversity. Not only does diversity offer faster exploration of the solution space, but it also affords greater resilience against organizational stresses.

Also, focusing resources of a single project might not improve the end-user outcome: software quality is only partly correlated to resource allocation, especially for small projects and early stages where quality in the core development team is paramount.

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