On 07/09/2015, Russ Nelson <nel...@crynwr.com> wrote:
> We need an authoritative statement that says that deleting abandoned
> railroads is vandalism, and that people who do so in spite of being
> warned not to, will be banned from the project.

Please stop the name-calling. Two contributors disagreeing on what
should be mapped doesn't make one of them a vandal because he acts
uppon his opinion, whichever side of the fence he sits on. Vandalism
implies a purposeful deterioration of the map. But everybody who took
part in this railway debate actually wants to improve the map.

> Until I get that, I
> cannot in good conscience encourage any railfan to map railroads,
> because of the threat from vandals to delete their edits.

You're making this an all or nothing decision, but it isn't. I'm
convinced that most railway enthusiasts would be happy to add the
still-existing parts of railways into OSM, and use a different DB for
sections not suitable for the main map and extra info (like Tony Howe
seems to do).

> I could go through the discussion over the last month and identify a
> grand total of five people who reject mapping abandoned railroads.

And I could go back and find even fewer people who embrace mapping
dismantled railways (please note the abandoned/dismantled
distinction), and a lot of people who sit somewhere in-between. I'm
sure we're both biased, and anyway respondants on the mailing list are
not a democratic sample anyway.

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