Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
> that it is constructed as a railway bridge? Is there any difference?
> Historical data should not be added and if present - removed.

If anyone can add descriptive attributes of present features on
present-in-osm objects, they shouldn't be deleted. A tag saying
"this was a railway" is not historical (i.e. "gone"), but part of
the life story of that feature. Affixing the data to relevant current
objects is more precise than storing it separately in "some other
database", when the posterity can't tell if those two databases
refer to, say, in this example, different bridges that were in the
same spot, different bridges close to each other but the location
data wasn't accurate enough to indicate that they weren't the
same bridge, or that the bridge was in fact the same bridge all

An original cycleway bridge most likely looks a whole lot
different from a railway bridge converted to host a cycleway, or
any other less heavy stuff. Even if it wasn't, the mapper who
sees the change or who's investigation reveals that the bridge
is in fact the same that used to host the railway, has done a
worthwile and original contribution.

Tags are cheap.


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