On 12/09/2015 13:44, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
sent from a phone

Am 12.09.2015 um 13:55 schrieb Dave F. <dave...@madasafish.com>:

You're misunderstanding the purpose of tagging which is to allow renderers to 
differentiate entities & display them accurately & differently from each other.

*All* tagging is for the renderer, it's incorrect tagging that's frowned upon 
(natural=sand for golf bunkers is the popular example).
tagging is the description of the geometry, together they form a representation 
of the world. Renderers pick those tags from the model in which they are 
interested in, and display them as they like.
No renderer has to render highway =track or railway=abandoned or anything else.
It is entirely up to the people making the rendering rules to decide which tag 
gets rendered, and how, and when (precedence, stacking order), and whether the 
geometry will be modified prior to rendering or will be taken as it is.

Yes I agree.
None of what you said above is contrary to my points, except the stacking order. Mappers should tag with a precedence, It's already happening in the vast majority of ways. There's just a few examples, such as highway=track, railway=abandoned, that cause problems & is what I'm trying to solve.

Dave F.

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