On Fri Oct 30 22:01:04 2015 GMT, Warin wrote:
> On 31/10/2015 8:10 AM, Matthijs Melissen wrote:
> > On 30 October 2015 at 22:01, Matthijs Melissen <i...@matthijsmelissen.nl> 
> > wrote:
> >>    - shop=pharmacy (use office=pharmacy)
> > This should be amenity=pharmacy instead of office=pharmacy, of course.
> >
> No. In a perfect world it should be
> shop=pharmacy
> Description : A shop where a pharmacist sells medications.
> So "a shop"!:-)   
> My definition ... shop ... a place where physical goods are sold.

Amenity seems good to me, a pharmacy is one of those essential amenities that 
make a community sustainable. 

Pharmacists don't technically sell medicines they dispense it and sometimes 
collect a flat rate fee, if you are of working age and live in England. 

They do sell some stuff as well, but so do the library and post office. 

Phil (trigpoint)

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