On 2015년 10월 31일 06:01, Matthijs Melissen wrote:
> * Dropped rendering of the following tags:
>   - amenity=car_sharing (not relevant for the general public)

I disagree. Car sharing stations are a vital part of mobility
infrastructure and as more and more people in densely populated places
decide not to own a car but use a mixed mobility with public transport,
bike and car sharing they are becoming even more important.

OSM is a community effort and you can see this in the data. There is
great data for cyclists and pedestrians on OSM, because it is made by
them. It sets OSM apart from other, commercial maps which are centered
around the car. So the communal use of a vehicle makes sense for
community minded people as OSM contibutors are.
The challenges of today with the climate talks in Paris ahead of us and
the need for alternative ways of transportation seems to have escaped
you. Especially hard to understand when on the other hand car_wash is
added to the rendering. Makes no sense if you ask me.

> * Added rendering of the following tags:
>   - amenity=car_wash

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