tracks=2, and the tags on the highway way was originally preferred if the
tracks were consistently in the middle of the street

To me, that single line veers implausibly from one side of the street to
the other, and I'd probably be more concerned to get the highway and the
tram tracks to line up properly (by whatever method).

The ideal nowadays is probably to draw the tracks (and the carriageways if
they are split by a pair of tram tracks) separately, but there isn't much
point doing one and not the other.

On Sat, Nov 7, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Andrew Errington <>

> Hi all,
> Here is a link to a random point on a light rail system:
> Soon after it opened I travelled on it from end to end, collecting gps
> data and photos of all the station signs.  There are two railway
> lines, one in each direction, and I mapped them both carefully.
> Recently I discovered that someone had helpfully deleted one of the
> lines and tagged the other with tracks=2.  I really don't think this
> is acceptable.
> I found the changeset and asked the user who did it why they destroyed
> my work.  They replied:
> "The OSM wiki implies that a single way with tracks=2 is the preferred
> way of showing rail lines with two tracks. This was the method used
> most in S. Korea, I was attempting to create consistency."
> This is not actually true (and I double-checked the wiki, just in
> case).  I pointed this out but the user did not acknowledge this was a
> mistake, or offer an apology.
> So, my question is, am I being unreasonable, or am I right to think
> this is unacceptable?  How can I guard against this?  I have no
> problem with people improving the map by improving the data, but I am
> starting to see a lot of deletions, incorrect tagging, and generally
> shoddy work appearing, especially in Korea where I have done a lot of
> original work.  Do I have to set up some kind of watch on all of my
> contributions and check them if someone edits them?
> Andrew
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