Hi Andrew,

I used Potlatch 1 to retrieve your work. (edit with Potlatch, then remove
the 2 from the url) Then advanced/undelete select the way and unlock. Don't
forget to save.

It would indeed be better to map the road as a dual carriageway as well.


2015-11-07 11:36 GMT+01:00 Andrew Errington <erringt...@gmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> Here is a link to a random point on a light rail system:
> http://osm.org/go/546Jvddtd--?m=
> Soon after it opened I travelled on it from end to end, collecting gps
> data and photos of all the station signs.  There are two railway
> lines, one in each direction, and I mapped them both carefully.
> Recently I discovered that someone had helpfully deleted one of the
> lines and tagged the other with tracks=2.  I really don't think this
> is acceptable.
> I found the changeset and asked the user who did it why they destroyed
> my work.  They replied:
> "The OSM wiki implies that a single way with tracks=2 is the preferred
> way of showing rail lines with two tracks. This was the method used
> most in S. Korea, I was attempting to create consistency."
> This is not actually true (and I double-checked the wiki, just in
> case).  I pointed this out but the user did not acknowledge this was a
> mistake, or offer an apology.
> So, my question is, am I being unreasonable, or am I right to think
> this is unacceptable?  How can I guard against this?  I have no
> problem with people improving the map by improving the data, but I am
> starting to see a lot of deletions, incorrect tagging, and generally
> shoddy work appearing, especially in Korea where I have done a lot of
> original work.  Do I have to set up some kind of watch on all of my
> contributions and check them if someone edits them?
> Andrew
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