On 04/01/16 05:16, Skyler F wrote:
> Nevermind, it decided to work finally yay!

Skyler ... have been following your efforts and totally understand the
frustration ;) I HAD all of this working on an earlier build of SUSE
having jumped through all the hoops, and I thought carefully documenting
every step. Many of the problems are not so much with OSM but with the
way every distribution adds it's own complexity to running essentially
the same tools. Currently my own attempts at restoring the service have
cost a lot of unpaid time ...

service apache2 reload
systemctl restart apache2
or what ever esentially running
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart or what ever is replacing the init.d service

Even running LTS servers in order to keep things working is not always
the safest way of doing things as a recent exercise in porting a PHP
application has proven. The PHP5.2 builds are running stable in
production, but moving several years of data over to the 5.4 version
takes time, and once converted, can no long be used on the 5.2 build.
But while both are still available on LTS servers, both are end of life,
and moving them to 5.6 introduces another incompatible build, and PHP7
messes things further. Python has much the same problem with Python2 and
3 needing incompatible versions of code, and while many projects stick
with P2, pressure to upgrade resulted in a number of broken P2 projects
over Christmas. Then add in all the other languages used to produce a
working OSM setup!

MANY of the tools listed on the switch2osm site are no longer actively
supported by their originators, so we do need an overhaul of the whole
process, but a reliable base framework does not exist and the diversity
between linux distributions is making that more and more difficult.
Personally Ubuntu is not practical for me as all my production servers
are SUSE based, and when I have tried alternatives the subtle command
line differences such as restarting apache catch you out at critical
times :( And apache is perhaps not the best choice for production web
servers anyway ...

I HAD a working system which I was hoping to make live to produce a UK
style service, but currently only the OSRM layer is working fully. I'm
at the pink square stage on the tile server ... and need to pay the
bills so don't have time to 'start again' with a new framework.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk
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