> "but that's not much to do with tagging diversity" - I would
  > dispute it, from my personal experience. Tagging diversity IS one
  > of real problems in using OSM data.

Could you please give an example?

My first ever attempt to display cycleways

Thank you very much. Now I understand the problem.

There should be for a relatively clear concept like cycleways a relatively easy-to-find tagging. Bonus points if the wiki does tell that tagging.

I think the problem is that cycleway infrastructure on the ground is quite diverse. There are ways allowed for cyclists only, ways that are dedicated to cyclists and all kinds of combinations with other modes of traffic where bicycles are accepted. I've even seen paved tram tracks where bicycles are allowed.

Because individual cyclists will disagree on which particular kind of ways are acceptable or preferred, it will be difficult to improve the situation much.

Maybe it would be best to work on the well-kept wiki page
to include the missing cases.



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