On Monday 21 March 2016, Stefan Keller wrote:
> > I'm not sure if Geopackage has significant performance improvements
> > over simple Spatialite but if it hasn't then my recommendation for
> > simple GIS processing is certainly to stick with shape files for
> > the time being - despite all their shortcomings.
> Shapefiles, Spatialite and GeoPackage all use R-tree indexes.
> I never heard about performance advantages of Shapefiles (except a
> bug in a former Spatialite driver).

The general problem with SQLite based files is that they are always read 
and written through the SQLite database engine which is not 
particularly good for sequential write and read operations.  You can 
get reasonable performance from Spatialite in many cases but you never 
get anywhere close to shapefiles in my experience.

> Can you tell me a use case? Which Spatialite SW are you using?

I am not aware of any software dealing with spatialite files that does 
not use libspatialite/SQLite.

Christoph Hormann

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