Hi everybody,

I launched a bot (FrankVD_bot) this week which didn't make everyone happy, as it wasn't discussed with the community, which is quite normal. Here's then the RFC for (let's call it) scorpion.

# Targets
The targeted zones are actually the multipolygons with natural=water on them. Working box is all the planet.

# Why ?
Well, OSM has a quite exhaustive lakes/water surfaces database, but it's a complete pain to work on because: * Some non closed ways have a natural=water or a water=* tag, which makes no sense and is forbidden. * Attributes (natural, water, name, intermittent) are in the relation and in the way itself, which is anti normal form (and not logical).

# First goal:
First goal is quite simple. The idea is to work only on relations which have a natural=water . Then, it will: * Delete natural=water from all the ways if they are NOT closed or ring 0. * delete the corresponding water=x IF the relation has the same tag

# Possible bugs:
Some people thought that there was a bug as it was deleting water=* tags, but in fact there is not as the tag is already carried by the relation, so no need to have it there.

# Sources:

# Source code:
Source code (php + bash) is available either:
* via web interface: http://git.vi-di.fr/gitphp/?p=OSM_bot.git
* via git: git clone git://git.vi-di.fr/OSM_bot.git

# Future work
It would be great to then support more tags (like migrating boat, intermittent, …) migrating to the relation, but I think that in order to keep things clear, it should be made afterwards. Does that seem ok ?

So, what do you think ?

Technically, it was already run on the whole planet, and so far no bugs were found. Now, I need your comments and/or your approval, critiques, etc.
Tell me what you think ;-)




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