On 16-03-22 17:25:37, malenki, wrote 2.1K characters saying:
On Tue, 22 Mar 2016 15:12:42 +0100,
Frank Villaro-Dixon wrote:
>Mappers frequently map things in ambiguous ways or change existing
>mapping in ways that make it ambiguous and it is hard to decide from
>the data alone how to interpret such mapping.  A bot will not be any
>better in doing that than a human mapper and you would destroy any
>chance of actually determining the original intent of the mapper with
>such edits.
Can you give me an example ?

Think of an MP where the way has – additionally to the tags you want to
fix – intermittent=yes and the relation has not.

Would your script really enhance the situation?
In that case, it wouldn't touch this tag.

Does your script even take in consideration if the ways are inner or
Yes, of course. It's in the code I provided.

This algorithm won't loose any information. It's merely deleting
duplicates, so where is the problem ?

Where is the problem /not/ to fix this by script, then?
Huh ?

Recently I was told by somebody: Deleting data is not a real deletion
in OSM. It is just hiding that data.
I don't know how is data stored back office, but if it doesn't show any more on the API query, that's good, no ?

Subjective that may be true like your statement above – but it makes
editing harder without adding any value.

You already caused a lot of additional work (review of your edits and
reverts) and time used for discussions.
Why not stop replying mails here reflex-like and start to think about
the problem? Again? With the new information you were given? And
without trying to squeeze all the information in your scheme of thinking
(or "problem solving").
Well, this fix was a simple fix, which I haven't found an error on still (no, that's not bad faith; I sincerely still haven't found none). But deleting redundant tags makes working on the data way more easier; which is my goal.


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