I think we are talking different things and they are best suited to
different needs.

Personnally I hate being interupted, so Slack or something like it that
waves at me and says look at this pretty picture doesn't work well for me.
Neither does IRC to be honest.  It is reasonably complex to set up, and yes
I know any 10 year old can do it I just don't have one on hand.  Many of
the channel discussions don't seem that focused.  However they do work for

Should we worry about communications being carried on away from the public
spotlight?  I personally don't think so.  I have raised a concern before
now by using Skype one on one that was dealt with quietly.  If it hadn't
been I would have raised it un general terms in a mailing list.  There are
some matters that can be best dealt with out of the public spotlight.

I do have a concern that different parts of OSM do things without
consulting other parts to see if it will have an impact but to be honest I
can't see a way round this.  For example
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features yes but how many mappers
even know it exists?

If you read the wiki you'll find statements in different sections that if
they don't contradict each other come very close to it.

My prefered communication channel are the mailing lists and email.  I like
to be able to think and consider before I send something off rather than
just doing it but that is just me.

Cheerio John

On 2 April 2016 at 12:48, Blake Girardot <bgirar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> IRC is open, public and transparent.
> It is very easy to log, anyone can do it, there is no secret anything. If
> you have a machine that is always on, like my desktop, you just log in and
> you have the transcript/log of whatever goes on. There are literally 100's
> of people that do that in the #OSM channel (222 at the moment).
> Many channels intentionally log their traffic to the web for transparency
> and easy to catch up for not always connected people. Individuals and
> services can do the same thing if they want.
> For example, here you can relive 2009-2010 in #OSM channel here:
> http://www.pingx.net/oftc/osm
> The OSM IRC channel is primarily a support channel in practice, with many
> experienced and knowledgeable folks answering questions. There is not a ton
> of off topic chit-chat because excess traffic gets annoying, but often
> people share interesting OSM or mapping related items there as well.
> If you would like a log of the last 2 years or so of the #osm channel (or
> #hot, #osm-dev, #oftc, #debian-gis) let me know, I'll email you mine.
> The idea that people have discussions they would not otherwise have on IRC
> because it is not logged or secret really shows a fundamental
> misunderstanding of IRC and its common usage.
> Cheers,
> Blake
> On 4/2/2016 1:21 AM, Dave F wrote:
>> On 30/03/2016 22:20, Ian Sergeant wrote:
>>> I've never seen it as a hotbed of uncountered policymaking.
>> This is another case which confirms my point: As there's no record,
>> unless you're on it 24/7, you'll have no idea what it's being used for,
>> or when.
>> On a couple of occasions I've been told it was used to make decision
>> about OSM. They wanted to talk to 'like minded people', away from all
>> the 'noise'. (paraphrased)
>> On a slight tangent, it's disappointing that the developers of the iD
>> editor are reluctant to discuss its tagging features on the tagging forum.
>> Dave F.
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