On 13/07/2016 17:40, Dave F wrote:

I'm unsure why the nodes originally had crossing=no, but I think removing the highway tag makes them even more inaccurate.

Leaving aside the "undiscussed mechanical edit" issues (see https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2016-July/076403.html for my comments on that) in this case it's definitely worth a conversation with the mappers about what they were trying to encapsulate, and with the "crossing" wiki page editors about why http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:crossing is as it is. I suspect part of that reason in the latter case may be recent edits by wiki editors with differing views on what "crossing=no" means resulting in a bit of a mess.

I don't believe that I've ever been to any of the places that were changed in https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/40612462 so I'm guessing based on imagery and familiarity with nearby places (e.g. the one in Cannock Chase). Looking at one of the examples in that changeset, http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2714463033 , it looks like "somewhere where you can cross the road but there's no traffic control". It is a specific place where you can cross - footpaths terminate at that node. I personally wouldn't tag it as any sort of crossing since there's no infrastructure, although it's clear that whoever built the footpath did anticipate crossing there rather than elsewhere.

The wiki page for highway=crossing (currently) says "Where definitely no crossing is possible/legal" for "no". Unfortunately in itself that's very unclear - many places where crossing is legal it's essentially impossible to do so (e.g. many footpaths crossing dual carriageways), and there are also plenty of places where crossing is possible but illegal (e.g. in places where "jaywalking" laws exist).

Looking at another example, https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/190732659 , it's clear that you can cross (based on the name of the bus stop if nothing else!) so "crossing=no" looks wrong there too.

There are of course only 24 nodes in total, so whoever cleans this up should ask the mappers of those nodes what it was they actually meant. My guess in some cases is "you can't cross here", in others "you can, but there's no infrastructure" and in others again "actually, there's a zebra crossing or some lights".

Also, any follow-up in-depth discussion about what "crossing=no" means is probably best had on the tagging list.

Best Regards,


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