On 16-08-11 07:42:59, john whelan, wrote 4.7K characters saying:
Not quite what I'm looking for.  The building is defined as an area but
often has no address information, within the building are a number of nodes
one or more of which has address information which is valid for the entire
building.  So what I'm interested in is way to either move the tags to the
building way or copy the tags to the building way or area.  The entire City
has some 300,000 buildings so the volume to be done is fairly high and I'd
like to do it in a fairly manual way using JOSM.

Thanks John

Innocently, I find this approach very 'first normal form'[1] but not really 'third normal form'[2].

To me, its not very clean/neat to duplicate a bunch of common attributes (city, postal code, country) in nodes/ways if these can be retrieved via other means (city's area for example).


[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_normal_form
[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_normal_form

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