On 16-08-11 09:55:03, john whelan, wrote 5.8K characters saying:
In Canada Postal Codes are not open data so the only way they can be used is on an individual address.
I don't understand. What does it make that they are not open data ? One
could know that all of their village has the same postcode, so they could simply add a addr:postcode=xxx to their village boundary ?

It's to do with where you get the information from.  If you knock on the
door of every address and ask every one their postcode then it is
acceptable to map it.  If you look it up on the Canada Post web site then
you got taken too court.
Personally, I know the postcodes of all of my adjacent villages and I've never looked-it up on any website. You "just know" from personal knowledge, conversation, local stores. Of course I haven't surveyed all the houses, but you suppose the postcode to be true for all the houses of the village.

I mean, a friend could tell me: "Hey, send me a postcard; I live in wonderland and my postcode is 1337", then I would think: "Okay, the postcode for wonderland is 1337". What's wrong/illegal/not acceptable with that ?

It's empiric and not "real science", but it works.

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