W dniu 16.08.2016 0:42, Simon Poole napisał(a):
May I suggest that switching to panic mode is a bit premature. Lambertus
last contribution to OSM is just over half a year old, and there are
other ways to contact people than just e-mail.

Let me remind my own words: "I've just found that last action on report he took on 2016-07-11 21:57:05, so he's not entirely absent." (this record is now invisible, since only 10 last actions are listed for moderators). Yet he didn't answer anything on the forum or on the list - strange, isn't it? No mail contact since few months. And there's still no forum created for Iceland, even if it's quite easy to do and probably important for this community.

I don't consider it a panic mode - that would be "forum is not working anymore, we need a new server NOW!". It will take some time to make a transition (like weeks or months) and it's always better to start before anything bad will happen, so this is probably the right moment.

If we have no current backup available, I think it would be good to have a script harvesting all the entries even just via plain HTML, with publishing date, username and user id, so we could recreate it more or less on the new server. Old backup may have some value, but most of the time fresh content is what really matters.

"Low, low, low..." [M. Kempa]

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