Am 06.08.2017 um 19:37 schrieb Jochen Topf:
> ...
> I don't understand why the "OpenSomethingMap" issue has you so spooked.
I'm not spooked, it just nicely  illustrates the issues, I don't think I
ever even remotely commented on if OpenWeatherMap is particularly
confusable with OSM, it is a domain originally being used for a
community project (and therefore something we would have cinsidered
legit) and has now landed somewhere completly OSM unrelated.

> Anyway, this is all moot, because nobody believes that the OSMF would
> actually sue anybody, let alone a small helpless hobby project, to get
> hold of their domain or force them to sign some agreement. Especially
> not when all they are doing is using a name that a judge might or might
> not see as similar enough to the OpenStreetMap trademark.

I would like to point out that the only person talking about taking
formal legal steps is you, I firmly believe in enlightened self interest
and that the current domain holders when presented with the arguments
will choose what makes most sense for the OSM community and themselves.

> I am sure you have the best intentions of defending OSM against the big
> bad conglomerates, but I think the best defense is having a large and
> open community and eco-system, one where you don't have to ask for
> permission before you contribute.
While that sounds good, it has nothing to do with the reality of how
trademarks work. And creating yet another OSM mark remix isn't
contributing to anything, really.


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