On Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 1:47 PM, Carlos Cámara <carlos.cam...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mapbox covers steps #1-#3, since #4 is not needed, being that are vector
> layers. Does not require any webserver but requires a paid account. Don't
> know if it means that using Mapbox GL you are locked in Mapbox plattform.

Someone else will know better than me, but my understanding is the
free tier is 100% of the Mapbox product, and only when your created
maps start to get over a certain traffic do you need a paid account.
But everything they offer is on the free tier I am pretty sure.

Mapbox open sources a great deal of code I think, and probably plays
nice with every relevant oss software you would typically have as part
of your stack so I see them as less "lock in" as they are a very oss
friendly company.

And they are great supporters of OSM and HOT Communities, donating
thousands of dollars to the OSM Community every year. They are a
sponsor on almost every major event usually.


Blake Girardot
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