On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 2:44 AM, Christoph Hormann <o...@imagico.de> wrote:

> On Thursday 14 December 2017, Tyler Radford wrote:
> > [...] big-impact projects conceptualized by OSM community leaders.
> I had hoped that HOT learned from the tasking manager problem a few
> months back that properly referring to OSM in a way that clarifies the
> difference between HOT and OSM is important.  The above indicates this
> hope was in vain.
> By saying your microgrant projects are "conceptualized by OSM community
> leaders" you imply support and endorsement from the OSM community and
> draw legitimacy from this for what from my perspective seems to be a
> program with completely intransparent decision making processes.  You
> also imply the existence of a hierarchy in OSM of leaders and followers
> which is not an accurate representation of the reality of OSM either.
> There is nothing wrong with supporting mapping projects with money, even
> if the criteria for that are unclear and subjective but you should not
> present this as if this financing is somehow integrated into and
> supervised by the OSM community.

Christoph, it's no secret that you are quite skeptical about HOT and wary
of their influence on the wider OSM community, but I think you are letting
your views color any communication from HOT in a negative light.

I'm not sure if you are aware of how the microgrant system is run, but
local OSM communities, such as OSM Zambia, submit grant proposals which are
then selected by HOT. This is what is meant by Tyler when he wrote "OSM
community leaders". These are basically the "leaders" (in the broadest
sense of the word) of local communities who do the work of actually
conceptualizing/writing a grant proposal. Hence, "projects conceptualized
by OSM community leaders".

And surely saying that the decision-making process is "completely
intransparent" is just being plain lazy. Here are several blog posts and
documents providing quite a bit of detail into the process and results that
can be reached with just a couple minutes of Googling:

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