On 2018-02-17 10:56, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:
This article is on the front page of the Slashdot today:

Fri 16 February 2018 "Why OpenStreetMap is in Serious Trouble"


Interesting that he mentions that "the proprietary mapping world has continued to improve in data quality".

In the Netherlands I see the opposite for google maps. Sure, they may have improved their coverage in areas that were badly mapped of old (Africa, Asia) and I'm sure this can be contributed to OSM, but where Google starts to go haywire is in the properly mapped areas. New roads appear weeks even, months after they are finished (Netherlands A5 or the roundabout at Joure where Google even now gives you an option over the roundabout that does not exist anymore) but also in names of places. Google has started to use very quaint and hardly used translations for cities abroad. For instance, Ljubljana is now displayed as Laibach, Maribor is Marburg an der Drau, both German translations at best and not used in the Netherlands. Or a few even weirder ones in france, a place called Oz just north of l'Alpe D'Huez is now called Oostzijde (eastside) or Oradour-sur-Glane which shows as "Bloedbad van Oradour-sur-Glane" (bloodbath of Oradour-sur-Glane)

No, I don't make these up. In my eyes these things are a lot more serious than a perceived general malaise in OSM. Because other than in OSM, as you correctly point out, I can not change these incorrect items in Google. I can halfheartedly issue a defect but the reporting process is flawed in itself and the general feeling is that noting is done with those reports.

No, I don't see a bleak future for OSM, instead, I the quality of (in this case) google maps slipping. That does not mean that the future of google maps is in danger, Google as more than enough money to throw at it. But to think that this free open thing with no money is hitting a dead and the the closed thing with lots of money is thriving is also not true.


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